Lady in white
All other materials available: Hier
Effects Toadies What are you?
Supplies a pattern, put it in your psp files, 1 background 3 tubes and a font
Put the materials in the folder they belong
Open in psp
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image Width 800, Height 600
2 Select all
3 - Open abstract_185 background
4 Edit-Copy-paste in to selection
5 Select none
6 Adjust Hue and Saturation - colorize
7 H 147 and S 79
8 Effects Toadies What are you?
8 Open mou_3 candels
9 Edit-Copy-paste as new layer
10 Move it a bit to the upper left
11 Open PTT_Lady White Dress_Aug 2008
12 Image- resize H 600, W will adjust
13 Edit-Copy-paste as new layer
14 Move it a bit to the right
14 - Open christmas-33
15 Image- resize H 125, W will adjust
16 Edit-Copy-paste as new layer
17 layers- duplicate till you have 3 and put it nicely to its place
18 Layers-merge-merge all layers (flatten)
19 - Image- add borders 5 pixels # 1758b9e
20 - Image- add borders 5 pixels # ffffff
21 Pattern on silver
22 Select the white border with your magic wand and flood fill with silver pattern, select none
23 Afb.randen toevoegen 5 pixels Kleur#1758b9e
24 - Image- add borders 5 pixels # ffffff
Pattern on silver
25 Select the white border with your magic wand and flood fill with silver pattern, select none
26 Select your text tool and use the font that s included
Size 48 or 72 and put the silverpattern in your background, lock foreground, add a drop shadow
Place watermark
27 - Layers-merge-merge all layers (flatten)
28 - Image, resize H 600, W will adjust .
29 - Save as jpg compression 20
And the lesson is done, have fun, love Hanny
Translate Rita