All other materials available Here
Materials an image and a tube no outside filters
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a New Image Height 800px and Width 600px Select All
2 - Open the Higher Realm image Edit Copy Paste Into Selection Select None
3 - Open the flower bopf. tube Edit Copy Paste As New Layer
4 - Move the flower to the left top Layers Duplicate Move down
5 - Set your Foreground to #ffff7a and your Background to #35364b
6 - Open up your font I used Choktoff font size 72
7 - Type name or your oewn name Effects 3D Effect Dropshadow V1 H1 O100 B1 color Black
Add a watermark if you like.
8 - Layers Merge Visible Layers
9 - Add Borders 1px #ffff7a 15px #35364b 1px #ffff7a
1 0 - Layers Merge All Layers
11 - Image Resize Height 500px or any other choice Width will self adjust
12 - Save as jpg
This was another short but nice lesson I hope that you'll enjoy doing it
Much love Hanny
And that is was written clearly enough
Translated by Tini