Holy Night
All other materials available: Hier
Plug ins here
Supplies A pattern D gold fold, put it in your psp folder
1 Back ground, 3 tubes and a font
Put the materials in the folder they belong
Open in psp
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image Width 800, Height 600
2 Select all
3 - Open 10 - background
4 Edit Copy- paste in to selection
5 Select none
6 Open- cal_guis_26_&_2008_red
7 Image resize H 600, W will adjust
8 Edit Copy- paste as new layer
9 Move it like in the example
10 Open Gerry-Kerst26-ca
11 Image resize H 250, W will adjust
12 - Edit Copy- paste as new layer
13 Move it like in the example
14 Open roos 2009
15 - Edit Copy- paste as new layer
16 Move it to the upper left corner
17 Layer duplicate image mirror
18 Move it to its place to the right below
19 Layers merge- merge all layers (flatten )
20 - Image add borders 5 pixels # ffffff
21 Select with your magic wand and floodfill with gold
22 - Image add borders 5 pixels # 9b0510
23 Image add borders 5 pixels #ffffff
24 - Select the border with your magic wand
25 - Flood fill with gold
26 - Layers merge- merge all layers (flatten )
27 Layers new raster layer
28 - Select your text tool and use the fond thats included
29 Size 48 foreground color locked, background gold
30 Write a name and give it a drop shadow, add watermark
31 - Layers merge- merge all layers (flatten )
32 Image resize H 550, W will adjust
33 - Save as jpg compression 20
And the lesson is done, have fun, love Hanny
Translate Rita