Plug- ins here VM Toolbox Instant Tile
Supplies Here
2 Tubes 1 texture and a background and a font
Put the materials in the folder they belong
Open in psp
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image Width 800, Height 600 , select all
2 Open 927808369 background
3 - Edit-Copy-paste in to selection
Effects VM Toolbox Instant Tile
4 - Layers- merge- merge all layers (flatten)
5 Image add borders 5 pixels #bod06f
6 Image add borders 50 pixels #faf9f4
7- Image add borders 5 pixels#bod06f
8 Select large border with your magic wand
9 - Find your texture Les Time and put it in the foreground color
10 Click with your droppertool on the edge with the color #bodo6f
11 - And flood fill the border, select none
12 Select all
13 Contract selection with 18
14 - Layers-New raster layer
15 Flood fill with#bodo6f
16 Selection modify, contract 10
17 Press delete button
18 Select none, select new border with your magic wand
19 Effects 3d reflection effects Kaleidoscope
20 Left all 0, on the right, at the top 10, color checked #faf9f4
21 - Effects Outer bevel, standard, color White
22 - Select none
23 Open jbpastelbutterfly6
24 Hue and Saturation - Colorize H 56, S 130
25 Edit- copy- paste as new layer
26 - Image- resize 80 % all layers not checked
27 - Move it to its place
28 Layers duplicate- Move it to its place
29 Layers duplicate- Move it to its place
30 Star_66-tube-colombe
31 Image-resize Height 750, Width will adjust
32 Edit- copy- paste as new layer
33 Move it to the left
34 - Layers- merge- merge all layers (flatten)
35 Select Text tool and write with the font size 48
Give it a drop shadow and add watermark
36 Image Resize Height 625 Width will adjust
37 - Save as jpg compression 2o
Nice short lesson with a beautiful result
And the lesson is done,
have fun, love Hanny