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VM Toolbox Instant Tile
1 tubes, a background and a font
Save them into the file of your choice
Open in psp
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image 800 w 600 h select all
2 Open 1054527_1089702396391_Landscape background
3 - Edit copy and paste into selection
Select none
4 Adjust - Hue and Saturation -Colorize H 143, S 101
5 Layer opacity 79
6 Open 006_silvana_orsi
7 Image resize H 600, width will adjust
8 Edit-copy- paste as new layer
9 - Layers duplicate
10 - Image mirror
11 Layer opacity 63
12 - Layer merge-merge all layers (flatten)
13 Image add borders 5 pixels #889fac
14 Image add borders 50 pixels #ecf2f7
15 Image add borders 5 pixels#889ac
16 Select with your magic wand the large border
17 Find your texture blue leaves and place it in your foreground color
18 click with the dropper in the border that has the color #889fac
19 - Flood fill the large border, select none
20 Select all
21 Selection contract 18
22 Layers new raster layer
23 Flood fill with #889fac
24 Selectie wijzigen inkrimpen met 10
25 Press delete button
26 Select none, Select with your magic wand the new border
27 Effects reflection effects Kaleidoscope
28 Left side 0, Right side top 10 and color checked #debe3e9
29 Effects 3d effects - outer bevel default color White
30 Select none
31 - Layer merge-merge all layers (flatten)
32 Select text tool and write your name size 48
Foreground locked, back ground#889fac
Give it a drop shadow and add watermark
33 - Resize image 600 Height, width will adjust
34 - Save as jpg, compression 2o
And your lesson is done
Have fun,.. love Hanny
Translate Rita