Burning Cognac
All other materials available: Here
4 Tubes, a mask, a texture and a font
Save them into the file of your choice
Open in psp
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 Fore ground color #363c7d , Background color #4869ac
2 - Open a new image Width 800 Height 600
3 Flood fill with your foreground color
4 Layers- new raster layer, flood fill with background color
5 Layers load mask from disk masque2_michele_claire
6 Luminance of source checked, adjust to canvas checked
Hide all masks checked
7 Highlight layer 2 effects 3d effects drop shadow 1 1 100 1,00 color black
8 Open Cal_guis_verrefeu_10112008
9 - Edit-Copy-paste as new layer , put it nice on its place
10 Layers merge- merge all layers (flatten)
11 Image- add borders 5 pixels #4869ac
22 Image- add borders 50 pixels # 363c7d
13 - Image- add borders 5 pixels #4869ac
14 Select large border with your magic wand
15 - Find your texture and place it in the foreground color box, click with the dropper in the colored border #4869ac
16 Flood fill the border with the texture
17 - Select none
18 Select all
19 Selection modify - contract 18
20 Layers- New raster layer flood fill with #4869ac
21 Selection modify- contract 10
22 - Press delete button
23 Selection select none
24 Select with your magic wand the large border
25- Effects Reflection - Kaleidoscope
All 0 - Right top 10, color checked and #363c7d
26 Effects 3D effects - outer bevel
27- Open 35 Open Cal_guis_25_07_2008_robe_Du_soir_blu
28 - Image resize Height 720, Width will adjust
29 Edit- copy- paste as new layer
30 Open 2024flower 35AR821 Alejandra Rosales_11_2_07
31 Image resize Height 400 Width will adjust
32 Adjust Hue and Saturation colorize
33 H 166 - S 102
34 Edit- copy- paste as new layer
35 Image mirror , put it nice on its place
36 - Open cuori Edit- copy- paste as new layer
37 Layers duplicate mirror - put it nice on its place
(you are free to add a glitter animation )
38 Layers merge- merge all layers (flatten)
Lock your foreground color
39 - select your text tool and write with the back ground color a nice text
Add your initials or watermark
40 Image resize Height 625, Width will adjust
41 Save as jpg compression 2o
Very nice lesson with a beautiful result
The lesson is done, have fun, love Hanny
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