In the past
Leave the tubes in original state, It costs a lot of work to create.
Thanks everyone for the lovely tubes
O. A .
Also other tube makers thanks
No plug ins needed in this tutorial
3 Tubes, a background and a font
Put the font in the Fonts folder
Open supplies in PSP
All other materials available Here
1 Tube , a background and accents
Save them into the file of your choice
Open in psp
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image Width 800, Height 600
2 Select all
3 Open Abstract_wallpaper_0041
4 Edit copy paste in to selection
5 Open Misted_filly- (1173) Scenery
6 - Image resize Height 600, Width will adjust
7 - Select eraser tool and wipe away some of the tiles
8 Put it in a nice place just about a centimetre lower
9 - Open hmo_fridy , image mirror
10 Edit copy paste as new layer
11 - Put it in a nice place at the left, look at the example
12 Layers duplicate and move it a bit to the right
13 - look at the example
14 Open Maxyran_03_06_09 Woman 15
15 Image resize Height 600, Width will adjust
16 - Edit copy paste as new layer
17 - Put the tube exactly in its place
18 Open nikita_couples (96)
19 Image resize Height 200, Width will adjust
20 - Edit copy paste as new layer
21 - Move it to the upper right corner, layer opacity 71
22 - Highlight the copy layer 4- arrange bring to top
23 And also the lady layer arrange- bring to top
24 You can move the layers a bit, till you satisfied
25 layers-merge-merge all layers (flatten)
26 Image-add borders 1 pixels # 5a5e01
27 Image-add borders 20 pixels # 131313
28 - Image-add borders 1 pixels # 5a5e01
29- Image-add borders 35 pixels #131313
30 - Select text tool and write a name with a nice font size 100
31 Give it a drop shadow, add watermark
32 - Image resize Height 600, Width will adjust
33 - Save as jpg compression 2o
Nice lesson, not too difficult, with a beautiful result
The lesson is done, have fun , love Hanny
Translate by Rita