Leave the tubes in original state, It costs a lot of work to create.
Thanks everyone for the lovely tubes
O. A .
Toadies What are you
Effects VM Toolbox Instant Tile
Sandflowers Specials Design Videowand
2 Tubes, a back ground and a brush of your own
Open all in PSP
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image Width 800, Height 600
2 Selection select all
3 Open 35-big background
4 Edit Copy paste in to selection
5 - Adjust Hue and Saturation - colorize
6 - H 0 - S 117
7 - Effects Toadies What are you
8 - Effects VM Toolbox Instant Tile
9 Effects Sandflowers Specials Design Videowand
10 Open Yvonne_vrouw_113_9_0ctober_2009 (woman)
11 Image resize Height 600, Width will adjust
12 Edit Copy - paste as new layer
13 Put her in position, lower a bit (see example)
14 Layers New Raster layer
15 - Open Bgay2Cajun Design
16 - Image resize Height 200, Width will adjust
17 Repeat point 5 and 6
18 - Edit Copy - paste as new layer
19 Put it in position
20 - Image-free rotate 15 Right and choice checked
21 Layers- duplicate, Image resize 80 % all layer snot checked
22 - Put it in position
23 - Open !!!TBeebutterfly wordart export custom brush
24 Layers new raster layer
25 - Open airbrush and find your image, lock foreground color, background#bf5653
26 Brush size 232
27 Brush it nicely in position
28 Give it a drop shadow
29 Repeat point 20 , but change it in left
30 Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
31 Image add borders symmetric unchecked, Right and bottom 2 pixels #000000
Left and top 0
32 Image add borders Symmetric checked pixels 5 # d45b5b
33 - Image add borders 2 pixels #000000
34 Layers new raster layer
35 Add watermark
36 Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
37 Image resize Height 600 , Width will adjust
41 Save as jpg compression 2o
Nice lesson with a beautiful result
The lesson is done. Have fun, love Hanny
Translate by Rita