Have a nice Christmas
Leave the tubes in original state, It costs a lot of work to create.
Thanks everyone for the lovely tubes
O. A .
VM Toolbox Instant tile
Effects Simple Top Left Mirror
Supplies: 5 tubes, a background, a pattern and a font
Put the materials in the folder they belong
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image Width 800, Height 600
2 Select all
3 - Open Spirograph
4 Edit Copy paste in to selectionSelect none
5 Effects its in psp Photo- effects Black White
6 - color Red, Strength 20
7 - Effects VM Toolbox Instant tile Default
8 - Open the Christmas tree - sandi
9 Repeat point 5 and 6
10 Image resize Height 500, Width will adjust
11 Edit Copy paste as new layer
12 Move it in the middle below
13 Open xmasbells o13 sandi
14 - Repeat point 5 and 6
15 - Image resize Height 150, Width will adjust
16 - Edit Copy paste as new layer
17 - Move it to the upper right , see example
18 Open Yoka Misted-x-masornaments- 3-11-09
19 - Repeat point 5 and 6
20 - Edit Copy paste as new layer
21 Open jet-woman 24- mei-2008
22 Image resize Height 600, Width will adjust
23 - Edit Copy paste as new layer
24 move her to the left
25 Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
26 image add borders 5 pixels #ffffff
27 Select with your magic wand
28 Change background color in Pattern silverfoil
29 - Flood fill selection
30 - image add borders 15 pixels # a9a9a9
31 - image add borders 5 pixels #ffffff
Select with your magic wand and flood fill with pattern silver
Select none
32 Open wm2silver-f
33 Image resize height 80, Width will adjust
34 - Edit Copy paste as new layer
35 Move it to the upper left corner
36 Effects Simple Top Left Mirror
37 - Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
38 Foreground color null, background silver pattern
39 - Select Text tool and a nice font and write a name with pattern silver
40 add watermark
41 - Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
Image resize
42 Height 500, Width will adjust
Save as .jpg
I hope you enjoyed the lesson
Have fun, love Hanny
Translate by Rita