Plug-ins none
2 Tubes , a mask and an animation
The lady tube is made by Maxyran
Put the materials in the folder they belong
Open all in PSP
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image Width 800, 600 Height, select all
2 Foreground color #181717
3 - Background color#f87d57
4 Flood fill with foreground color
5 - Layers- new Raster layerg
6 - Flood fill with background color
8 - Open Babes Designz_Mask 15
9 Highlight your background
Layers- new mask layer from image , find your mask
10 Layers - merge merge all layers (flatten)
11- Open Maxyran_12_o2_10 Woman 198
12 Image resize Height 600, Width will adjust
13 - Edit-copy-paste as new layer
14 Open Broosch 108_dιdι
15 - Image resize Height 150, Width will adjust
16 - Edit-copy-paste as new layer
17 - Move it to the right
18 Image - mirror
19 - Edit-copy-paste as new layer
Move it to the left side, see example
20 Layers - duplicate
21 - Image - mirror , Put it in position
22 - Layers - merge merge all layers (flatten)
23 Add borders 2 pixels #f87d57
24 Add borders 15 pixels #181717
25 - Add borders 2 pixels #f87d57
26 - Layers - merge merge all layers (flatten)
27 Open je A tool and add a name
28 Give it a dropshadow
29 - Add Watermark
30 - Layers-merge-merge all layers (flatten)
31 - Image- resize Height 550, Width will adjust
32 - Edit-Merged copy
33 Open Animationshop click with your right mouse button in the grey space, Paste as new animation
34 - Reduce image size with your mousewheel
35 Edit- copy select all
36 Open gif animation and see how many frame it has
37 Activate your image and past after current frame as many frames as you gifanimation
38 - Activate gifanimation, Edit-copy select all
39 Select frame 1 and paste the animation in frame 1 of your image
Repeat till you have them all
40 View animation button
41 If its too fast, go to Animation properties for frame and change the number, how higher the number, how slower it will get
42 If youre satisfied, save as .. In the folder of you choice
Nice lesson, with small animation
The lesson is done, have fun, love Hanny
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