Filter FM Tile Tools- Blend Emboss Here
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open the images in psp
2 - Open a new transparant image 800 heigh 600 width
3 - Select all
4 - take the background jannet Copy and paste into the selection.
5 - Deselect.
6 - Take your image Jannet Jackson - image resize height 600 all layers checked
7 - Layers - load mask from disk 20-20
8 - Layers remove - copy and paste as new layer, fm tile tools blend emboss
9 - Put it to the left side.
10 - Open the image roos - resize height 300 - layers load mask from disk 20-20
remove layer
Ajust hue and sat. colorize k-3 v-111
11 - Copy and past as new layer, put it to the right side, above, duplicate layer and put it a little downwards, see example.
12 - Add border 1 pix color #ddaeab Add border 15 pix color #341c15
13 - Add border 1 pix color #ddaeab. Select the inner border, effects gregs filter factory output vol2 poolshadow
14 - Effects 3d effects dropshadow v1 h1 d100 color is black Deselect.
Take a font of your choise I took Cupidol
Put the text Janet Jackson or your own name. Merge all layers flatten.
Save as jpg compression is on 20, succes with this tutorial , its my first one, I hope ist clear enough for you.
If you use the script of Jetty M , you need 2 backgrounds, and two colors.
Many lovely greetings Hanny
Translated by Azyzam