Chigitta tested Thank you so much
Filters: none
Supplies: here 1 Tube, Floatie and Mask.
Move the materials in the folder(s) where you want them.
Open everything in PSP.
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image, 800 width, 600 height.
2 - Fill with color #000000.
3 - Layers new layer.
4 - Fill with color #db0a29.
5 - Layers new mask-layer from image.
6 - Narah _mask_ Esfera 006.
7 - Layers merge merge all.
8 - Open Maxyran_12_03_10 Women 212.
9 - Image: resize 600 height, width adjusts.
10- Edit copy - paste as new layer.
11 - Find a nice place
12 - Layers merge merge all.
13 - Image add borders- 2px color #db0a29.
14 - Image add borders- 15px color #000000.
15 - Image add borders- 2px color #db0a29..
16 - Layers new layer.
17 - Open your text tool and place your name with a nice font.
18 - And give it a drop shadow.
19 - Put your initials or your watermark on your work.
20 - Layers merge all layers merge.
21 - Image; resize. I took 550 height, the width adjusts.
22 - Edit - copy merged.
Save as jpg compression-value on 20.
23 - Open your Animation Shop.
24 - Click with your right mouse in the grey part. Then you will see paste as new animation.
25 - With the roll on your mouse you can make the picture a little bit smaller.
26 - Edit - copy. Edit select all.
27 - Now you open first your image and look at the number of frames.
28 - Activate now your image again and duplicate as many frames as there are in your tag.
29 - Edit and select.
30 - Click with your mouse in frame 1 and apply the gift in frame 1 of your image. Drop it once left and once right.
31 - View animation - you now can see whether your animation is successful.
32 - Too quick? Go to animation properties and change the number. I choose number 30. A higher number reduces the rate.
33 - Satisfied? Save as and the rest goes without saying and you can put it in the folder you like.
Nice lesson with small animations and a beautiful effect. I hope that you have enjoyed making this lesson.
Love, Hanny
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