Leave the tubes in original state, It costs a lot of work to create.
Thanks everyone for the lovely tubes
O. A .
Also other tube makers thanks
Thank you Magie for your nice tube
Effects Simpel Quick Tile
2 Tubes, a background and an animation
Put the materials in the folder they belong
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image Width 800, 600 Height, select all
2 Open 3D_graphics_Black_flash_006961
3 - Edit copy, paste in to selection
4 Select none
5 - Effects Simple Quick Tile
6 Open magie 16 dame (lady)
7 Image resize Height 600, Width will adjust
8 - Edit copy, paste as new layer, move it to the right
9 Open Gems02_AS find the on that fits
10 - Edit copy, paste as new layer
11 Layers duplicate as often as needed, till its all in place
12 Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
13 Image - add borders 5 pixels #525938
14 Image - add borders 50 pixels #000000
15 - Image - add borders 5 pixels#525938
16 Select all
17 Selection modify- contract 18
18 Layers new raster layer
19 Flood fill with #7d8d9c
20 Selection modify - contract 10
21 Hit delete button
22 Select none, select new border with your magic wand
23 Effects - 3d effects Reflection effects - Kaleidoscope
24 Left 0, Right and top 10, color#7b310a
25 Effects - Outer bevel , default, White
26 - Select none
27 - Dan Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
28 Open text tool and write a name, add watermark
29 Give it a drop shadow
30 - Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
31 - Image resize Height 550 , Width will adjust
32 - Edit Merged copy
33 Open Animatieshop click with your right mouse button in the grey space
Paste as new animation
34 Make you image a bit smaller using your Mouse Wheel
35 Edit copy , Edit select all
36 - Open animation bollen (balls) , see how many frames it has
37 Animation replace color and click on the black background
38 Color black and transparent opacity
39 Activate your image and past after active frame , as many frames as you balls animation
40- Activate balls animation, Edit-select
41 Select frame 1 and paste the animation in frame 1 of your image
42 View animation button
43 If its too fast, go to Animation properties for frame and change the number, how higher the number, how slower it will get
44 If your satisfied, save as ..
In the folder of you choice
Nice lessen, with small animation
The lesson is done, have fun, love Hanny