Explanation for poser animation
Put the materials in the folder they belong
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 Open a new image 800 x 600
2 Open the poser tubes, just those who are standing
3 Remove Watermark with the remove tool , only the tubes with Medi text
4 Image- resize Height 600, Width will adjust
5 Repeat point 4 and 5 on each tube
6 Copy and past all tubes as new layer on the image 800 x 600
Dont replace or move them.
7 Save as .PSP animationshop. In the folder of your choice
8 Make a nice background in PSP - Copy
9 Open animation shop
10 Paste as new animation
11 Open the tubes which you have saved as PSP Animation
12 Look how many frames the animation has
13 Copy the background and paste after current frame as many as the animation has
14 Select all tube frames -
15 - Edit Animation frame sequense reverse
16 - If there is an empty frame, just delete it
17 You now only have frames with a doll
18 Select the first doll frame select all - Copy
Select background frame 1 select all paste in selected frame
19-Frame speed 40
20 Save as .gif in the folder of your choice
21 Go to the doll frames
22 Edit select save as . mng file
24 Now its ready for use with nice clean edges
You can use it over and over again
I hope its all clear now and I wish you lots of success , love Hanny x x x
Translater Rita (Friemelien)