Festival for Children
All other materials available Here
Needed: 1 image & 2 tubes, a font
Save the materials in their designated folders
Take this arrow as a reminder where you are at
1 - Open a New image 800 wide by 600 high; Select all
2 - Open the image Anton Pieck Nacht jpg_ background
3 - Edit - Copy - Paste into selection; Select none
4 - Effects - Texture Effects - Fur (no filter) B 71 D 73 L 94 T216
5 - Effects - Geometric effects - Pentagon - Wrap checked
6 - Open misted tube Pspimage (piano)
7 - Edit - Copy -Paste as new layer; move it to the right and slightly upwards
8 - Open Mtm girlie9 - Edit - Copy - Paste as new layer; move it slightly to the left
10 - Layer - Merge visible layers
11 - Image - Add borders - 1 pixel #9daf9e 15pixels #b6c9b5 & 1-pixel #9daf9e
12 - Select the border with your magic wand13 - Effects - Gregs Factory Output Vol 2 - Poolshadow all sliders 50 bottom one 128
14 - Open your text tool and type your name, text or your watermark
15 - Layer - Merge all layers16 - Image - Resize - Height 500-Width will self adjust
17 - Save as jpg, Compression set to 20
Short tutorial with a lovely effect, I hope you'll again enjoy this one.
Love from Hanny
Translated by Tiny