I am a virgin
Leave the tubes in original state, It costs a lot of work to create.
Thanks everyone for the lovely tubes
O. A .
Plug-ins: None
3 Tubes, 2 backgrounds, a pattern and a font
Put the materials in the folder they belong
1 Tube a background an image and a wordart
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image Width 800, 600 Height , select all
2 Open the background
3 - Edit copy, paste in to selection
Select none
4 Open 42 sleep
5 Image resize Height 600 Width will adjust
6 Edit copy, paste as new layer
7 Put it in position, at the left
8 layers-duplicate-mirror
9 - Edit copy, paste as new layer
10 Move it to the left, and the other to the right, nicely to each other, thats important
( its too big but that doesnt matter, its gonna be alright)
11 Open de tube S_@nas-3
12 - Image resize Height 600 Width will adjust
13 - Edit copy, paste as new layer
14 - Place it in the middle
14 - Open L 14
15 - Image resize Height 400 Width will adjust
16 - Edit copy, paste as new layer
17 layers-duplicate-mirror
18 - layers - duplicate -flip
19 - layers-duplicate-mirror
20 - Open pink butterflies
21 Effecst- Photo effects black-white movie
22 Plugin color red strenght 60 its in psp
23 - Edit copy, paste as new layer
24 Place it to the left- layers duplicate, move it to the right
25 Open el 26
26 - Edit copy, paste as new layer
27 - move it to the bottom
28 Material palet background color silver pattern
29 - Select your font, lock foreground
30 Add your name and watermark
31 - Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
32 Image - add borders 1 pixels # a3afc0
33 Image - add borders 5 pixels # ffffff
34 Select with your magic wand the 5 pixel border and floodfill with silver pattern
35 - Image - add borders 10 pixels# a3afc0
36 Image - add borders 5 pixels kleur #ffffff
37 Repeat point 34
38 - Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
39 - Image resize Height 500, Width will adjust
40 - Save as als jpg compression value 2o
Nice lesson with a beautiful result
The lesson is done, have fun, love Hanny
Rita translator Englisch