Plug-ins: Here
Effects VM Toolbox Instant Tile
A small animation a tube a misted tube and a Font
Put the materials in the folder they belong
Open all in psp
Put the materials in the folder they belong
Open everything in psp
Save the materials in their designated folders
Take this arrow as a reminder where you are at
1 - Open a new image Width 800, 600 Height, select all
2 Open K@rine_dream_Pretty_woman_Frevier_2011
Make a copy with Shift D and minimize for now
3 Remove Watermark and tube
4 Open Background Image- Left rotate select all
5 - Edit copy, paste in to selection
6 Select none
7 - Adjust Hue and Saturation colorize
H 183 - S 36
8 Effects Plug-ins VN Toolbox Instant tile 77 and 31
9 Open Blendingmate misted tube
10 Edit copy, paste as new layer
Move it a bit to the left
11 Layers duplicate - mirror
12 - Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
13 Image - add borders 5 pixels # a69ccc
14 Image - add borders 50 pixels # 766c8f
15 - Image - add borders 5 pixels # 766c8f
16 Select large border with your magic wand
17 Material pallet find texture in your foreground color
18 Click with the droppertool and left mousebutton in the light area color# a69ccc
19 Floodfill the selection
20 Open minimized Copy tube of the lady K@rine_dream_Pretty_woman_Frevier_2011
21 - Remove watermark image resize Height 725 , Width will adjust itself
22 - Edit copy, paste as new layer, put it in position, see example
23 - Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
24 Open text tool and add text size 72
25 Give it a drop shadow
Add watermark
26 - Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
27 - Edit merged copy
28 Open Animation shop - paste as new animation
29 Reduce size with the mouse Wheel
30 Edit Select all - Copy
31 - Open small animation see how many frames it has
32 Back to your image paste after current frame , repeat as many times till you have the same numbers of frames as your gif animation
33- Activate your gif animation , Select all Copy
34 Back to your image select all go to your first frame and paste animation , repeat till youre satisfied , see example
35 View Animation
36 If its too fast, select all frames Frame properties and large the number , the higher the number the slower your animation will be
37 Satisfied? Save as . And select folder of choice
Nice lesson with a small animation
The lesson is done, love Hanny
Translate Rita