Sexy Cowgirl
All other materials available Here
A small animation, a tube, font and a mask
Put the materials in the folder they belong
Open all in psp
Save the materials in their designated folders
Take this arrow as a reminder where you are at
1 - Open a new image Width 800, Height 600
2 - Flood fill with # 282828
3 Layers- new Raster layer
4 Flood fill with #ddcbbd
5 Open your mask layer
6 - Activate your image, Layers- new masklayer from
7 Find the mask sg_ chevron_sites
in your drop down window, source luminance checked
8 Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
9 Open SexyCowGirl_byQueirida 190211 tube
10 Image resize Height 600, Width will adjust
11 - Edit copy paste as new layer
Do not move
12 Add name and watermark
13 - Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
14 Image-add borders 2 pixels #282828
15 - Edit-merged copy
16 Open Animatieshop, click in the grey part with the rightmouse button and paste as new animation
17 With the Mouse Wheel, you can reduce the image a bit
18 Edit- select all-copy
19 - Open small animation and see how many frames it has
20 Activate your image again and paste after current frame as many frames as the small animation
21- Activate small animation Edit Select all and copy
22 Click with the Mouse button in frame 1 and paste the gif into frame 1 of your image, repeat as much as you want, see example
23 View animation button
24 If its too fast, go to Animation properties for frame and change the number, how higher the number, how slower it will get
25 If your satisfied, save as .. In the folder of you choice
Nice lesson, with small animation
The lesson is done, have fun, love Hanny