Beautyful Eyes
Leave the tubes in original state, It costs a lot of work to create.
Thanks everyone for the lovely tubes
O. A .
Plug-ins: None
Tube ??? If its yours let me know, Ill give you the credits
Plug-in none
Supplies Here
A Mask, a small animation, a tube , a decoration and a font
Put the materials in the folder they belong
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image Width 800, Height 600
2 - Flood fill with # b5b5b5
3 Layers new raster Layer
4 Flood fill with #f8f8f8
5 Open the mask image
6 - Activate your new image Layers new masklayer from image
7 Find your Mask in the small window Luminance of source checked
8 Layers merge all layers (flatten)
9 Open 1228305131_femmes
10 Image resize Height 600, Width will adjust
11 - Edit Copy- paste as new layer
Dont move
12 Open decos 374-sandi
14 Highlight layer 2
15 Effects- Photo effects black and withe movie
Plug-in color red strenght 60
16 - Edit Copy- paste as new layer
17 Move it to the left upper corner, duplicate layer - mirror
18 Duplicate layer- move it to the lower right corner
19 Duplicate layer- move it to the lower left corner
20 Add name with your font, and add watermark
21 - Layers merge all layers (flatten)
22 Image add borders 5 pixels #b6b6b2
23 Select border with your magic wand, floodfill with Silverfoil
24 Image add borders 10 pixels #ffffff
31 - Image add borders 5 pixels # b6b6b2
32 - Select border with your magic wand, floodfill with Silverfoil
33 - Edit-merged copy
34 Open Animation, paste as new animation
35 - Use the wheelbutton on your Mouse to make the image smaller
36 Edit- select all
37 - Open small animation and see how many frames it has
38 Activate your image again and paste after current frame, as many frames as you animation has
39- Activate your animation again , select all-copy
40 Click in frame 1 of your image and paste the animation , repeat as many times as you need, see example
41 Click View
42 When the animation is to fast go to
Animation - properties and reduce the speed , a higher number reduces the speed
43 Save as .. and place it in the folder of your choice
Very nice lesson
With a beautiful result
The lesson is done, have fun, love Hanny
Translate by Rita