Leave the tubes in original state, It costs a lot of work to create.
Thanks everyone for the lovely tubes
O. A .
Plug-ins: None
Supplies: Here
Tube ??? If its yours let me know, Ill give you the credits
2 Tubes and a background
Put the materials in the folder they belong
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image Width 800, Height 600, select all
2 Open GFX_Generator 2 background
3 Edit-copy- paste in to selection
4 Adjust Hue and Saturation, colorize H126 - S 185
5 Open friem-lady 164-8 juni 2011
6 Image- resize Height 600, width will adjust
7 Edit-copy paste as new layer
8 Put it in position, see example
9 Open Penny Parker~Strawberries~SLH
10 - Image- resize Height 200 width will adjust , mirror
11 - Edit-copy paste as new layer
Move it in to the small square
12 Layers duplicate, image resize 80 %
All layers not checked, mirror
13 - Edit-copy paste as new layer , move it to the right in to the squaire
14 Duplicate mirror and move it to the left square
15 Duplicate again and move it to the upper right next at the lager tube
16 - Layers duplicate and mirror, move it a bit lower , see example
17 - Layers duplicate and mirror, move it to the lower right next at the lager tube
18 - Layers merge, merge all layers (fatten)
19 Image-add borders 2 pixels #21c8bf
20 Image-add borders 15 pixels #000000
21 - Afb. randen toevoegen 2 pixels#21c8bf
22 Layers new raster layer
23 Open text tool and add a name and watermark
24 Layers merge, merge all layers (fatten)
25 - Image resize Height 550, Width will adjust
26 save as jpg, compression value 2o
Nice short lesson
The lesson is done, have fun, love Hanny
Translate from Rita Friemelien