Getest door Chigitta Hartelijk Bedankt
Leave the tubes in original state, It costs a lot of work to create.
Thanks everyone for the lovely tubes
O. A .
For this lesson you will need:
Plugin: Simple Toadies What are you?: Here
Materials: 1 Tube, 1 Mask and 1 Accent: Here.
Please, leave the tubes in the original state.
It costs a lot of time and work to create them.
Thanks everyone for the beautiful tubes.
Put the materials in the folder they belong
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
Are you ready? Then we can start.
1 - Open a new image Width 800 Height 600
2 - Fill with color #382d35
3 - Layers new raster layer
4 - Fill with color #ao85a6
5 - Open the mask in PSP
6 - Layers new mask layer from image
7 - Layers merge merge group
8 - Effects Toadies: What are you put this at 45
9 - Open Accents take your Crop Tool and choose the Accent that you need
10 - Adjust Hue and saturation
11 - Colorize with color #ao85a6 - K 206 and V 40
12 - Edit copy paste as a new layer put in the middle. Duplicate it two times - and put nicely among themselves
13 - Open Gina tube Femme2001
14 - Image resize Height 650 Width will adjust itself
15 - Edit copy and paste as a new layer - choose a nice left position for the tube
16 - Layers duplicate and mirror. Position is right
17 - Put the opacity for this layer on 26
18 - Layers merge, merge all
19 Image add borders - symmetric- 2 pixels color #856e89
20 Image add borders - symmetric- 15 pixels color #6b586d
21 Image add borders - symmetric- 2 pixels color #6b586d
22 - Layers merge, merge all
23 - Layers new raster layer
24 Activate your text tool and put your watermark with a nice font
25 - Edit copy merged
26 - Open your Animation Shop if you click with your right mouse-part in the grey section, you will see paste as a new animation
27 - With the little scrollbar on your mouse it is possible to reduce the image
28 - Edit copy edit select all
29 - Open animation Blinkset 4a
30 - The animation is already finished and coloured
31 - Paste after current frame till you have as many frames as in your animation
32 - After this: edit and select the animation
33 - Resize animation Height 500, Width adjusts itself
34 - Click with your mouse in frame 1 and put the animations in frame 1 of your imagine
35 - View - Animation. You can look at your animation
36 - Is the animation too quick? I left this as it was then you can change it this way:
37 - Go to Animation frame properties a higher number reduces speed.
38 - Is it to your liking? Save as give your creation a name and put in a folder at choice.
Nice easy lesson with a beautiful result. I hope that you have had a lot of fun to create this tutorial.
Greetings Hanny
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