All other materials available Here
1 tube and a scrap, a font and a misted tube
Open all in psp
Save the materials in their designated folders
Take this arrow as a reminder where you are at
1 - Open a new image Width 800, Height 600. select all
2 Flood flill with color# aec6c8
3 - Open scrap blueslace
4 Highlight layer Merged, large circle
5 Edit-copy-paste as new layer
6 Image resize 80 %, all layers not checked
7 Adjust Hue and Satureation
H 130 - S 49
8 Move it to the upper corner on the left
9 Layers duplicate, move it to the lower corner on the right
10 Open 1. aufgabe.jpg
Ps Mask Layers Mask from disk 20 to 20
Removing layers next question just click yes
11 Edit-copy-paste as new layer
12 Move it in to the left circle, see example
13 Colorize as in point 7
14 Layer - duplicate - mirror
15 - Move it to the right circle
16 Activate your scrap bluelace and highlight the Merged layer with the circle again
17 - Edit-copy-paste as new layer, on your image
Its already in position
18 - Colorize as in point 7
19 Open 1220640069, the lady
20 - Edit-copy-paste as new layer, on your imageIts already in position
21 - Activate your bluelace scrap
22 - highlight the layer with the heart, number 5
23 Edit-copy-paste as new layer, on your image, move it to the left, see example
24 Layer - duplicate - mirror move it up a bit
25 Activate your bluelace scrap and find the butterfly, layer 3
26 Edit-copy-paste as new layer, on your image
27 -- Colorize as in point 7
28 Image- free rotate left 15
29 - Move it to the place of choice
30 Layer duplicate - mirror
31 - Move it to the place of choice
32 Activate your bluelace scrap and find the flower, layer 6
33 Edit-copy-paste as new layer, on your image , colorize as in point 7 , move it to the upper right corner
34- Layer duplicate , resize with 80% and move it in position, see example
35 - Layer duplicate these 2 layers and move it to the lower left corner, see example
36 Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
37 Image add borders 2 pixels # 79a0a2
38 Image add borders 15 pixels # aec6c8
39- Image add borders 2 pixels # 79a0a2
40 Open text tool and add text and watermark
41 Image resize Height 550 , Width will adjust
42 - Save as jpg compression value 2o
Nice lesson with a beautiful result
The lesson is done, have fun, love Hanny
Translate Rita (Friemelien )