Fashion Bleu
Leave the tubes in original state, It costs a lot of work to create.
Thanks everyone for the lovely tubes
O. A .
Plug-ins: None
Plugins VM Toolbox Instant Tile
1 tube, a background and an animation glitter star
Put the materials in the folder they belong
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
Open a new image Width 800, Height 600, select all
2 Open _s5_inferno_entry_ fractal,
3 Edit Copy, paste in to selection
4 Select none
5 Adjust Hue and saturation - colorize
6 H 156 - S 43
7 Effects Plugin effects - VM Toolbox Instant Tile 77 31
8 - Layers-merge- merge all layers (flatten)
9 Image-add borders 5 pixels # 55627a
10 Image-add borders 50 pixels # 030304
11 Image-add borders 5 pixels # 55627a
12 Selection select all
13 Selection modify - contract 18
14 Layers new Raster layer
15 Floodfill with # bfb3b
16 Selection - modify - contract 10, hit the delete button
17 Select none, select new border with your magic wand
18 Effects - reflection effects - Kaleidoscope
19 All 0, upper right 10, color checked# 3c4454
20 Effects - 3D effects outer bevel default #ffffff
21- Select none
22 Layers-merge- merge all layers (flatten)
23 Open Alies 334-woman
24 Image resize Height 700, Width will adjust
25 - Edit Copy paste as new layer, put it nicely in the middle, see example
26 Add watermark
27 - Edit merged copy
28 - Open animationshop
29 click Rightmouse button paste as new animation
30 Edit select all copy
31- Paste after current frame till you have 5 frames
32 Edit select all
33- Open glitterstar animation
34 Edit select all - copy
35 paste into First frame of your tag, repeat 3 times
36 - Click the View button
37- If youre satisfied
38 Animation - Resize animation , Height 500, Width will adjust
39- Save as .and put it in the folder of youre choice
Nice easy lesson, with a beautiful result
Have fun, hugs Hanny
Translate Rita