Leave the tubes in original state, It costs a lot of work to create.
Thanks everyone for the lovely tubes
O. A .
Plug-ins: None
Plugins VM Toolbox Instant Tile
1 tube, a background and an animation
Put the materials in the folder they belong
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image Width 800, Height 600, select all
2 Open _abstract-green-twitter-background
3 - Edit Copy, paste in to selection
4 - Select none
5 Adjust Hue and saturation - colorize
6 H 163 - S 43
7 Effects Plugin effects - VM Toolbox Instant Tile 77 31
8 - Layers-merge- merge all layers (flatten)
9 Image-add borders 5 pixels # 868ca7
10 - Image-add borders 50 pixels # 21232d
11 Image-add borders 5 pixels # 868ca7
12 Selection select all
13 Selection modify - contract 18
14 - Layers new Raster layer
15 - Floodfill with # 868ca7
16 Selection - modify - contract 10, hit the delete button
17 Select none, select new border with your magic wand
18 Effects - reflection effects - Kaleidoscope
19 All 0, upper right 10, color checked # 3c4454
20 Effects - 3D effects outer bevel default #ffffff
21- Select none
22 Layers-merge- merge all layers (flatten)
23 Open tube Lady of Ana ridzi
24 - Image resize Height 700, Width will adjust
25 - Edit Copy paste as new layer, put it nicely in the middle, see example
26 Add watermark
27 - Edit merged copy
28 - Open animationshop
29 - click Rightmouse button paste as new animation
30 - Edit select all copy
31- Paste after current frame till you have 5 frames
32 - Edit select all
33- Open bol animation in animationshop
35 - Edit select all - copy
Black background remove:
Selected frames checked
Old color checked - must be black
Transparent opacity checked,
(black color will not disappear but the animation can be put on your tag, its already been colorized by me)
35 Put it in the first frame of your tag.
repeat it as many times you want36 - Click the View button
37- If youre satisfied
38 Animation -Resize animation , Height 500, Width will adjust
39- Save as .and put it in the folder of youre choice
Nice easy lesson, with a beautiful result
Have fun, hugs Hanny
Translate Rita