An other world
All other materials available Here
Material 1 image, 2 tubes and a brush
Save the materials in their designated folders
Take this arrow as a reminder where you are at
1 - Open an new Image 800 x 600 pixels, selections, select all
2 - Open Image anoyherworld1.jpg-jp
3 - Edit, copy, paste into selection, select none
4 - Open-SS-1218_misted.pspimage
5 - Image, resize 600 height width will adjust
6 - Edit copy paste as new layer
7 - put it on the left bottom
8 - Open lotharius kruis go to file export custom brush
9 - put in the name of the brush and your own name as auteur
10 - back ground colour on #715d33
11 - Go to your airbrush and find the cross
12 - put size on 40
13 - Layer, new raster layer en click one time with your background colour on the left top
14 - Effects 3D dropschadow
15 - With these settings V and H-1 O-100 B-1 colour black
16 - Open heartaccents and click on the green heart
17 - Edit copy paste as new layer
18 - Image resize 80 % all layers off19 - put it on the middle of the cross
20 - layers, merge, merge all layers ( flatten )
21 - Image add border22 - 1-Pixel-#715d33- 15-pixels-#595a38 en -1-pixel #715d33
23 - Take your magic wand and select the border
24 - effects, texture effects, blinds with these settings W-5 D-41 colour Kleur #9fa075, Horizontal checked
25 - Selections, select none
26 - Go to your textt ool and write your name or watermark
27 - Layers, merge, merge all ( flatten)
28 - Image resize to 500 pixels high width will adjust of any size you like29-Save image as jpeg
Your image is done. I hope my lesson was fun to do and understandable
Angel my English translatorHugs Hanny