All other materials available Here
Materials: 1 tube, 1 image and 1 patroon – silverpattern
Put the files in your folders and the zilver1 pattern in your pattern folder
Save them into the file of your choice
Open in psp
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new transparent image 700 x 520.
Selections / Select All
2 - Open plaatje kerst1-jpg Edit / Copy
Edit / Paste into selection
Selections / Select None
Image / greyscale
3 - Open LZ_010907_Young gypsies_William Bouguereau.psp
Image / greyscale
Edit / Copy
Edit / Paste as a new layer
Place her to the left. Look at my example tag.
4 - Image / Add Borders 3 pixel symmetric Color: #ffffff
5 - Select the white with your magic wand. Then set your background to the zilver1 pattern and fill the selection.
6 - Selections / Select None
7 - Image / Add Borders 10 pixel symmetric Color: # ababab
8 - Image / Add Borders 3 pixel symmetric Color: #ffffff
9 - Select the white with your magic wand. Then fill the selection.
10 - Selections / Select None
11 - Image / Add Borders 10 pixel symmetric Color: # ababab
12 - Image / Add Borders 1 pixel symmetric Color: #000000
13 - Select the font tool and choose a nice font for your writing. Set your background to your pattern zilver1 and close off your foreground color. Type whateever text you like.
14 - Dont forget your watermark
15 - Layers / Merge / Merge Visible
Resize to 500 pixels high the width is adjusted automatically.
16 - Save As .jpg
I hope you had fun with this tutorial.
Love, Hanny