All other materials available Here
Materials : 2 tubes and a mask - Susan 28 pattern silverfill
Save them into the file of your choice
Open in psp
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new transparent image 800 x 600.
2 - Set your foreground color to #000000 and
background color to #8a8a8a
3 - Make a gradient from your foreground and background
colors with the following settings: angle 45, repeats 3 invert checked.
4 - Fill your image with the gradient.
5 - New layer fill with your background color #8a8a8a.
6 - Layers / Load/Save Mask / Load Mask From Disk
Choose Susan 28.
7 - Layers / Merge / Merge Group
8 - Effects / Drop Shadow with the following settings:
V1 H1 Opacity: 100 Blur: 1.00
9 - Open the tube Mtm plant Edit / Copy
10 - Edit / Paste as a new layer.
11 - Image / Resize 80% make sure the all layers box is NOT checked.
Then move the plant to the left.
12 - Layers / Duplicate Image / Mirror
13 - Open Open tube Mtm Photos 44 Heat
15 - Edit / Copy Edit / Paste as New Layer
16 - Layers / Merge / Merge Visible
17 - Image / Add borders - 2 pixels symmetric color: #ffffff
18 - Select with the magic wand tool and then fill with the pattern silverfill
Select / None
19 - Image / Add borders 5 pixels symmetric color: #8a8a8a
20 - Image / Add borders - 2 pixels symmetric color: #ffffff
21 - Select with the magic wand tool and then fill with the pattern silverfill
22 - Select / None
23 - Image / Add borders 10 pixels symmetric color: #8a8a8a
24 - Image / Add borders 3 pixels symmetric color: #ffffff
25 - Select with the magic wand tool and then fill with the pattern silverfill
26 - Select / None
27 - Image / Add borders 5 pixels symmetric color: #8a8a8a
28 - Image / Add borders 1 pixels symmetric color: #000000
29 - Image / Resize I resized to 550 high the width then resizes itself.
Of course you can resize to whatever dimension you want.
With a font of yout choice add the name Kasmira to your image.
Set your background to your pattern silverfoil and close off your foreground color.
I used the font Arioso size 72
Edit / Drop Shadow
H3 V 3 Opacity: 70 Blur: 5,00
Dont forget your watermark
Layers / Merge / Merge Visible
30 - Save As .jpg
I hope you had fun with this tutorial.
Love, Hanny