All other materials available Here
Filters: FM.TileTools Blend Embos
Materials : 2 tubes and a mask
Save them into the file of your choice
Open in psp
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image 800 x 600
2 - Set your foreground color to #473a27 and background to #000000
3 - Make a gradient by clicking on the foreground color.
4 - Angle 45 Repeats 3 invert checked
5 - Fill your image with your paintbucket with the gradient.
6 - Layers / New Layers fill with #000000
7 - Load mask from disk mask 9_by_nb 2007
Luminous from source Fit to canvas Hide mask checked
8 - Adjust / sharpen / sharpen
9 - Merge group
10 - Open SFK_rose vClose all watermarks Edit / copy
11 - Edit / paste as new layer place in the middle
12 - Go to the eraser tool and erase what sticks out over the square
13 - Adjust Hue and saturation hue 24 saturation 74
Layer opacity 34
14 - Open je tube Alba 21 Edit / Copy
Edit / Paste as new layer
15 - Image / resize 80% All layers unchecked then resize twice at 98%
the tube will then fit precisely. Place in the good position, See example.
16 - Merge all layers
17 - Image / add borders 1 pixel #000000
18 - Image / add borders 15 pixels #4732a27
19 - Image / add borders 30 pixels met #000000
20 - Image / add borders 3 # pixels #473a27
21 - Go to the A tool and write a nice text
22 - Your name or watermark
23 - Merge layers and resize height to 500 or 550 width adjusts itself
24 - Save as jpg compression on 20
Your lesson is finish. Have fun with it.
Love, Hanny