All other materials available Here
Filters: FM.TileTools Blend Embos
Materials : 2 tubes and a mask
Save them into the file of your choice
Open in psp
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Filters here
Materials: 2 tubes and a mask
1-Open a new transparent image 800 x 600
2- Set foreground color to #0e0e0e and the background color to #d76337
3- Make a foreground/background gradient by clicking on your foreground color
4- Angle 45 repeats 3, invert checked
5- Use your paintbucket to fill the layer with your gradient
Adjust / blur / gaussian blur 30
6- Layer / New Raster Layer
fill with #d763377- Layers/Load save mask/ Load mask from disk: ‘geo 7’
8- Source Luminance, fit to canvas, hide all masks checked
9- Adjust / sharpness / sharpen more
10- Layers - delete - merge group
11-Open SS_1560 misted Close watermark
Edit / copy
Image / mirrorEdit / paste as new layer place it in the middle of the right grilled square. Behind the lines. See example.
12- Go to eraser tool and erase what is outside of the square.
Move the layer down13- Layers / merge / Merge all
14-Open tube Ann_261107 Edit / copyPaste as new layer move her to the left. See example.
15- Image / resize all layers: height set to 555. The width will adjust itself
16- Place her on the proper place on the left. See example.
17- Merge all layers
18- Image / Add borders 1 pixel #0e0e0e
19- Image / Add borders 15 pixels #d76337
20- Image / Add borders 1 pixels met #0e0e0e
21- Go to the the text tool. Write a nice text or the name Belinda in a nice
font. Add a drop shadow 1-1-100-0
And then 2-2-70-522- Add your own name or watermark
23- Merge all layers. Then resize the image to height 500 or 550.
The width will adjust itself.24- Save as jpg compression on 20
And your lesson is finished. I hope you had a lot of fun with it.
With Love and friendly greetings, Hanny