All other materials available Here
Supplies 5 tube’s
Plug ins HierSave them into the file of your choice
Open in psp
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image W 800 - H 600
2 - Foreground color #c8cee8
3 - Flood fill your image
4 - Open wintertube 354_Moniqeu – Edit- Copy- Paste as new layer
5 - Place it in the upper left corner
6 - Duplicate and mirror, place it in the middle at the bottom
7 - Open tube cmls face image resize , Height 600, Width will adjust,
all layers checked
8 - Edit-Copy paste as new layer, place it to the right, it will fit now
9 - Open candle Edit-Copy and paste as new layer
See example
10 - Duplicate 3 times see example
11 - Open wordart image resize H 250, W will adjust, all layers checked
12 - Edit-Copy paste as new layer , place it to the left bottom
13 - Add drop shadow V 1 H 1 D 100 B 1,00 color White
14 - layers- Merge- merge all layers (flatten
15 - Image- add borders 1pixel #c2b9d7
16 - Image- add borders 30-pixels #c8cee8
17 - Select large border with your magic wand
Effects Texture- Blinds
18 -W 2 opacity 38 both checked colors #c2b9d7
19 - Repeat but H not checked
Select none
20 - Image – add borders 3-pixels #c2b9d7
21- layers- merge – merge all layers (flatten)
22 - Open tube brad – Edit – Copy – paste as new layer and place it in each corner
23 - Write with a nice font a name and repeat the drop shadow
Add watermark
24 - layers- merge – merge all layers (flatten)
25 -Image- resize H 550 or 500, W will adjust, all layers checked
26 - Save as jpg , compression 20
And the lesson is done, have fun, love Hanny
Translate Rita