Filters: Gregs Factory Output Vol 2 poolshadow
and Simple Top Left mirror
Materials: 5 tubes and an image
All other materials available Here
Save the materials in their designated folders
Take this arrow as a reminder where you are at
1- Open a new image 800 x 600
Selections / select all
2- Open Mds7613winterscene1 Edit / Copy
Edit / Paste into Selection
3- Selections / Select None
4- Open Mds7613winterscene2
5- Image / resize the height to 600 the width adjusts itself automatically
6- Edit / Copy
Edit / Paste as new layer
7- Open PaulinaDcwintergirl Image / mirror
Edit / Copy
Edit / Paste as new layer
8- Image / resize 80 % all layers not checked
9- Place her in the upper right corner. See example.
10- OpenL3E1-6 dec. Image / mirror
Edit / Copy
Edit / Paste as new layer
Place towards the lower left of your tag. See example tag.
Layers / Merge / Merge visible
11-Open Se wordart Christmas Edit / Copy
Edit / Paste as new layer
12- With your eraser tool erase the name
13- Effects / 3d effects / Drop shadow 1 1 100 1,00 color white make sure drop shadow on seperate layer is checked
14- In the layerpalette, close off the top text layer. You will then have the white. Place towards the lower right of your tag. See example tag.
15- Layers / Merge / Merge all
16- Image / Add borders symetric 1 pixel color: #9da8bc
17-Image / Add borders symetric 15 pixels color: #a6b2ca
18- Image / Add borders symetric 1 pixel color: #9da8bc
19- With your magic wand select the 15 pixel border
20 - Effects / Plugins / Greg’s Factory Output vol 2 poolshadow everything should be set to 50 except the last setting needs to be 128
21- Image / Add borders symetric 15 pixels color #cadbf9
With your magic wand select the 15 pixel border repeat the plugin
22- Open cherSwitch corners and pick a corner. I used the silver one.
23- Edit / Copy
Edit / Paste as new layer
Place towards the upper left of your tag. See example tag.
24- Adjust / Hue and Saturation Hue: 156 Saturation: 48
25- You can also adjust yourr layer to darken or lighten the corner.
26- Effects / Simple / Top Left mirror all corners will be in place at once.
27- Add your watermerk merge layers
28- Image / resize the height to 500 the width adjusts itself automatically.
29- Save as .jpg compression 20
Your tag is done
Greetings Hanny