Nice Face
This one Rita make it for me
Thank you so much From Hanny
All other materials available Hier
Plugins: Hier
Name supressed Plaid Lite
Photo effex Scanlines
Supplies: 2 tubes and a background
Save them into the file of your choice
Open in psp
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image Width 800, Height 600
2 Select all
3 - Open Jhanna_32 background
4 Edit-Copy Paste in to selection
5 Select none
6 - Open tubed_ bij_Monique 42_3627
7 Image resize Height 600, Width will adjust
8 Edit Copy paste as new layer, move her to the left
9 Select remove tool and delete the shadow from forehead till shoulder
10 - Open heart deco
11 Adjust Hue and Saturation Colorize H 24 - S 67
12 - Edit Copy paste as new layer
Move it to the upper left, layer opacity 61
13 Layers- duplicate image mirror Now its also in the right corner
14 - Layers- duplicate image flip
Layers- duplicate image mirror , now its in every corner
Layers merge merge all layers (flatten
15 Lets start with the borders 5 pixels #7c7364
50 pixels#c6b59d and 5 pixels#7c7364
16 Select large border with your magic wand
Effects- plug in Name supressed Plaid lite default
17 Select none Select all
18 Selection modify - contract 18
19 Layers new raster layer , flood fill #7c7364
20 Selection modify - contract 10
21 Press delete button
22 - Select none
23 Select new border effects plugin Photo effex-scanlines default
24 - Effects - 3D effects outer bevel Default
25 Select none
26 Layers merge merge all layers (flatten)
27 Add name and watermark, or a nice wordart
28 Image resize Height 600, Width will adjust
29 Save as jpg
And the lesson is done, have fun love Hanny