Vuur en vlam
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Take this arrow along to remind you where you have remained
1 - Open a New Image of 800x600px.
2 - Set Foreground to #ed7e5c Background to #ffef9c.
M ake it to a Foreground-Background Gradient, Angle 45 Repeats 3, Invert checked.3 - Floodfill your image with the gradient.
Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur 5.
Effects: L & K Site of Wonders - Paris. Default settings.4 - Open the tube with the lady (SS_394). Highlight raster 1.
Image - Resize: height 600 px - Aspect Ratio checked; All layers checked.
Width will adjust automatically.
Edit -Copy5 - Return to your work image.
Edit - Paste as New Layer.
Image - Mirror. Move it to the left.
6 - Open your filmstrip tube.
Image -Resize. All Layers checked.
600 pixels Height.
Width will adjust automatically.
Edit - Copy.7 - Return to your working image.
Edit - Paste as New Layer.
Put it all the way to the right8 - Open your lady tube once more
All Layers checked.
Height: 165 pixels - Width will automatically adjust
Edit - Copy9 - Go back to your filmstrip and select the top square with your Magic Wand.
10 - Edit - Paste into Selection. Select None
Your tube is still in the memory.11 -Repeat this procedure for square 2 and square 3 until everything is on the filmstrip.
12 - Layers: Merge visible layers
13 - Pick up your Magic Wand again and select the black part in the filmstrip.
Floodfill it with your gradient14 - Effect Drop Shadow V1 H1 O-100 B-1 color black
Select None15 - Open your flower tube
Image - Resize: Height 450 pixels.
Width will automatically adjust.
All Layers checked
16 - Edit -Copy.
Return to your working image.
Edit - Paste as new layer next to your flimstrip.
Layers: Set the Blend Mode to Luminance old
Layers: Merge visible layers17 - Image - Add borders:
1-px #000000
15-px #ed7e5c
1px #000000
Select the 15 px border with the Magic Wand and floodfill it with your gradient18 - Open the corner tube. Edit: Copy
Edit: Paste as new layer on your working image and put it in the left top corner19 - Effects - Plugins: Simple filter - Top Left Mirror
and your corners will be set in the right place for you20 - Image - Add borders 15px #ed7e5c
Select with your Magic Wand and floodfill with the gradient.
Select none22 - Open your font- I used Carraterre.
T ype a text or your own name.
I used font size 72.
Add your watermark if you like23 - Layers - Merge all layers.
Layers - Resize - I resized mine too 500px24 - Save as jpg file
I hope that you all enjoyed this tutorial and that it was written well enough to understand
Much love Hanny
Tut translated by Tini - thanks very much