As a butterfly
All other materials available Here
Filters: Here
Supplies here 2 tube and a background
Save them into the file of your choice
Open in psp
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Open a new image Width 800, Height 600, select all
2 Open Abstract__2007_lightbox background
3 EditCopypaste in to selection
4 Select none
5 Adjust Hue and Saturation- Colorize
6 - H on 40 , S on 125
7 Open jet_woman- 8-september-2008
8 Image resize Height 600 , Width will adjust
9 Image-mirror
10 - Edit Copy paste as new layer, place it to the right
11 Layer opacity 34
12 - Open jet_woman- 8-september-2008
13 - Image resize Height 600 , Width will adjust
14 - Edit Copy paste as new layer, place it to the right
15 Place it to its place
16- Open Buggy2CajunDesignz Image mirror
17 - Repeat point 5 and 6
18 - Edit Copy paste as new layer
19 Image free rotate, 15,00, just left and choice checked
20 Layer duplicate
21 Image resize 80 %
22 All layers not checked
23 Put it nice in place
24 - layers-merge-merge al layers (flatten)
25 Image-add borders 5 pixels #969539
26 Image-add borders 50 pixels #e3e0af
27 - Image-add borders 5 pixels#969539
28 Select large border with your magic wand
29 - effects texture effects- select a fine texture
30 Select none
31 Select all
32 Selection contract 18
33 Layers New Rasterlayer
34 Floodfill with #969539
35 Selection modify- contract 10
36 Press delete button
37 Select none, select new border with your magic wand
38 Effect reflection effects kaleidoscope
38 Left all on 0 Right the top on 10 color checked #e3e0af
39 Effects- Outer bevel standard color White
40- select none
41 - Merge all layers
42 Select text tool and write an name and watermark
43 - Image resize Height 600, Width will adjust
44 - Save as jpg compression 2o
Nice simple lesson with a beautiful result
The lesson is done, have fun, love Hanny
Translator Rita