All other materials available Here
Materials 3 images
Take along this arrow to where remember you have remained
1 - Save in the designated folder and open in PSP
2 - Open a New Image 600 Width x 800px height Select All
3 - Open your background (green) Edit Copy and Paste into Selection Select None
4 - Open Camille Layers load Mask from disk 20-20 mask Delete Layer Yes
5 - Edit Copy Paste As New Layer and move it over to the left
6 - Open the fruit basket Layers Load Mask from disk 20-20 Layer Delete
7 - Edit Copy Paste As New Layer and move it slightly upwards and to the right
8 - Layers Merge Merge All Layers
9 - Add Borders 1px #7b761f #15 px #304023 1px #7b761f
10 - Open your font CupieDoll or one of your own favorites
11 - Typ name or your own name and a watermark if you like
12 - Drop Shadow V1 H1 O100 B1 Color Black
13 - Layer merge Merge All Layers
14 - Resize Image Height 500px Width will automatically adjust
15 - Save a jpg file
OK, all done it was a short one but with a nice eefect
I hope you'll enjoy doing this tut and that it was understandable the way it was written
Love from Hanny and good luck!
Tested by Elly Holtrop
Translated by Tini